About our company
Ro Interactive Technologies is present on the security solutions market since 1994. We provide you with security solutions from leader companies in the security industry:
- Feitian USB Token ePass hardware devices for secure digital certificate storage, digital signing, data encryption and secure access to VPN, Windows Logon etc.
- Feitian OTP Tokens, OATH compatible, for One Time Password strong authentication
- Feitian OATH Authentication (FOAS) System Server for strong authentication and OTP tokens management.
- Chip Smartcards (PKI Smartcards) and compatible Smartcard Readers (ACR39, ACR83 PINeasy) for digital certificate authentication, secure access to sensitive data, Windows Logon, VPN access etc.
- Memory Smartcards (Smartcard SLE4442, SLE5542, SLE5528, FM4442, FM4428) and compatible Smartcard Reader for secure access systems, e-ticketing systems, fidelity applications.
For further information about our products, you can contact us here. >>