OATH Feitian OTP C100 event-based (HOTP) token

Order here OTP Token C100
OATH compliant One-Time Password, Event-based (HOTP) Token for strong authentication


OTP Token C100Feitian OTP C100 Token is a hardware OTP device which is compliant with the OATH specifications. OTP C100 can be used with any authentication server which was build based on these specifications.

<<<Buy here at the best price 5.69 EUR!>>>

For companies who want a complete solution from a single provider, Feitian provides them with its own authentication server. Feitian OTP Authentication System (FOAS) offers a full solution for companies regardless their dimension and activity. FOAS unifies all the authentication operations in one product significantly reducing costs for development and maintenance of such a system.

Integration and centralized management are made on server side. This solution offers a simple and easy environment and a secure administration. The advanced security measures provided by OTP Token C100 and the authentication server are combined in one secure and trusted product for authentication.

Adaptable solution for comprehensive security
The Feitian OTP Token devices are built to comply with Open Autentication (OATH) initiative standards. The devices can be used as seamless hardware solutions by any organization who uses an OATH compliant back end authentication server. In addition, Feitian offers a wide range of options si customization for addressing each particular requirements from any customer. The faceplate, casing color and serial number can be also customized.



User Interface 8-character high contrast LCD display
Built-in button
Security Algorithms OATH compliant event-based HOTP
Memory Type Random Access Memory (RAM)
Endurance More than 14,000 clicks
Battery Lifecycle 5 years
Power Consumption Less than 0.005mW
Operating Temperature -10°C ~ 50°C
(14°F ~ 122°F)
Storage Temperature -20°C ~ 70°C
(-4°F ~ 158°F)
Humidity 0% ~ 100% without condensation
Physical Resistance Tamper evident
IP54 ingress protection (under evaluation)

Feature varies according to product model.

Certification & Compliance

OATH CompliantOATH HOTP Compliant





Strong two-factor authenticator through dynamic password technology

  • Unique password generated each time
  • Password cannot be reused
  • Zero software install at client side
  • Zero footprint authentication
  • Minimum change to the existing password authentication system

OATH compliant event-based HOTP device

  • Compliant with OATH open algorithm
  • Easy to be integrated with 3rd party OATH authentication system
  • PSKC format seed code available

Easy to use and portable

  • Simple one-click to generate the one-time-password
  • No PIN needed
  • Independent to end-user environment. No external connection is needed
  • Easy to carry on a key ring

Single-button OTP hardware token

  • 8-character high contrast LCD display with a count-down timing bar
  • One built-in button
  • Onboard event counter
  • Non-replaceable built-in battery
  • Secure Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • Unique token serial number
  • Secure, robust and long life hardware design

Battery lifetime expectancy 5 to 7 years

  • Seed code stored with encryption and protection
  • Tamper evidence

Flexible customization options

  • Customizable 6 or 8 digits pass code
  • Faceplate, casing color and serial number are customizable
  • Customizable industrial and end-user packaging

FOAS server support

  • Standard Radius authentication service
  • Easy to integrate with a wide range of authentication and access gateway solutions
  • Centralized authentication and graphical management system
  • Stable performance under heavy duty environment

For further information about OTP Token C100, contact us here. >>

OATH Feitian OTP C200 (H41) time-based (TOTP) token

Order here OTP Token C200OATH compliant One Time Password Time-based (TOTP) Token for strong authentication


Feitian OTP Token C200Feitian OTP Token c200 (H41 and I34 casing) is a time-based hardware token device that complies with OATH specifications and can be used with any authentication server which is built according to these specifications.

IP67 protection (default on I34 casing)

Supports NFC Seed Programming

<<<Buy here at the best price from 6.73 EUR!>>>

The LCD screen shows a clear image of the number sequence which can be read by anyone, especially if the user is older and have seeing difficulties. The strong hardware faceplate is temper evident and it's improved with glue injection. This feature removes the posibility of water damange and protects the intern clock against bad temperature conditions.

OATH Feitian OTP C300 OCRA Token

OATH compatible One Time Password Challenge/Response (OCRA) Token

Request an offer for OTP Token C300Overview

Secure digital signing
OTP Token C300The Feitian OCRA (OATH Challenge-Response Algorithm) Tokens offer an important feature with a PIN that protects the access by time-based authentication or event-based authentication. OTP Token C300 can be also used as a tool for online transactions digital signing. When a banking operation is made, the user inserts the account details and the amount of founds into the OCRA keypad. The device will use the information, will generate the digital signature and will attach it to the exchange. This assure you that any unwarranted third party data modification will immediately be deleted.

Mobile OTP Token

Request an offer for Mobile OTPOne Time Password Token for mobile users 


Mobile OTP authetication

A modern solution for a modern lifestyle
The technology development for mobile communications has revolutionised the way people interact and access information. The mobile devices are constantly evolving and offer new complex features and services. These features and services are more focused on personal and business sesitive data. Feitian Mobile OTP token is an easy to use application for mobile phones and allows users to benefit from two-factor authentication and challenge-response protocol based on the security key from the mobile devices.

About Us

Ro Interactive Technologies is present on the security solutions market since 1994. We provide you with security solutions from leader companies in the security industry.

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How can we help you?

We will be happy to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at:
Ro Interactive Technologies SRL
Str. Aurel Suciu, Nr. 63, Ap. 1,
Cluj-Napoca, 400440
Jud. Cluj, Romania
Tel: +40-264-418929

Fax: +40-364-780193

E-mail: info[@]otptoken.ro

Want to fill our contact form? Go ahead right here. >>

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