Mobile OTP Token

Request an offer for Mobile OTPOne Time Password Token for mobile users 


Mobile OTP authetication

A modern solution for a modern lifestyle
The technology development for mobile communications has revolutionised the way people interact and access information. The mobile devices are constantly evolving and offer new complex features and services. These features and services are more focused on personal and business sesitive data. Feitian Mobile OTP token is an easy to use application for mobile phones and allows users to benefit from two-factor authentication and challenge-response protocol based on the security key from the mobile devices.

Mobile OTP authetication

Access restrictions and reduced risk of loss and theft
Mobile OTP strong authentication features are secured by establishing a maximum of accepted attempts and the period of time for a valid password. The token's features are protected by an application with password and are limited strictly to the token's owner.

Compatible with event-based (HOTP) and time-based (TOTP) One Time Password protocols

HOTP uses an dynamic algorithm based on event and generates unique password as a numeric sequence. The password is generated at every request for authentication. The access is granted in the web application after inserting the One Time Password.

TOTP is based on an algorithm that generates a new password which is valid for a specific period of time. Besides, there is no possibility of inserting a password which is valid for very long time. The user is requested again to insert a new password after the specified period of time has passed for the last password.

Using Mobile OTP with OATH challenge-response (OCRA) algorithm
Mobile OTP token allows users to access the basic features available with the challenge-response technology. These features include transaction and sensitive data secure digital signing. Once the digital signatures is applied on the file, the content cannot by modified whithout causing a signature revocation. The unique response sequence generated by a request (challenge) can be used for cross validation of websites and servers. The system validates users and assures that identity is correct.

A complete solution with Feitian OTP Server and mobile OTP
Mobile OTP can be provided as a part of Feitian complete authentication solution. Mobile OTP Token can be used with Feitian OTP Authentication System (FOAS) Server. Choosing the mobile OTP solution can help companies to reduce costs for IT administration.

The authentication solution includes a web console for user management based on Java, a server component and an agent for authentication. Both the server and agent are available for Windows and Linux (CentOS and Debian). The APIs for C++, PHP or Java allow you to customize the application. All you have to do is buy a Mobile OTP license for each user registered in the system. For further details, contact us right here. >>


Users are empowered to choose the level of security they need
The Feitian Mobile Token supports a wide range of security solutions (HOTP, TOTP, and OCRA). It is up to the end user to decide the level of security they need. HOTP is based on user input featuring a dynamic password that changes at the push of a button. TOTP is a time-based system that changes with the passing of time. OCRA is a challenge-response system that in addition to strong authentication can provide data encryption and cross-validation.

Activation arranged by preference
Users who opt for Online Activation must enter an activation address, an activation password, a username and a password or serial number of token. The data are inserted on the online activation interface of the mobile phone token after connecting the mobile phone to the network. Alternatively, users can decide for Manual Activation, using the offline approach for entering a token serial number, an activation password, and an activation code. Information details are inserted on the manual activation interface presented on the mobile phone token.

Customizations are available based on the application platform
For J2ME and Windows Mobile platforms you can choose online or manual activation and you can specify a web address for activation. You can customize it with a logo and set the language interface.

Be yourself with unique mobile identity verification
Feitian Mobile Token with a unique identification binds a set of specific authentication credentials to a certain mobile device. This measure effectively prevents the unauthorized use of personal Mobile Token features since the identification code generated by different devices vary.

Designed for compatibility with favorite devices
Feitian Mobile OTP was engineered for seamless compatibility with all popular mobile device platforms : Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, etc.


Strong two-factor authenticator through dynamic password technology

  • Unique password generated each time
  • The password cannot be reused
  • Minimum change to existing static password authentication system

OATH compliant with event-based HOTP, time-based TOTP and challenge-response OCRA algorithms

  • Compliant with OATH open algorithm
  • Easy to be integrated with 3rd party OATH authentication system
  • PSKC format seed code available

Easy to use and portable

  • Simple one-click to generate the one-time-password
  • No PIN needed
  • Independent to end-user environment
  • No external connection is needed

Secure Random Access Memory (RAM)

  • Unique token serial number
  • Seed code stored with encryption and protection

Flexible customization options

  • Customizable 6 or 8 digits pass code
  • Customizable OTP refresh frequency (for time-based algorithms)
  • Customizable for companies and end-user packaging

Support for FOAS server

  • Standard Radius authentication service
  • Easy to integrate with a wide range of authentication and access gateway solutions
  • Centralized authentication and graphical management system
  • Stable performance under heavy duty environment.

Mobile OTP Tokens at great prices!
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About Us

Ro Interactive Technologies is present on the security solutions market since 1994. We provide you with security solutions from leader companies in the security industry.

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How can we help you?

We will be happy to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at:
Ro Interactive Technologies SRL
Str. Aurel Suciu, Nr. 63, Ap. 1,
Cluj-Napoca, 400440
Jud. Cluj, Romania
Tel: +40-264-418929

Fax: +40-364-780193

E-mail: info[@]

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