Efficient management with OTP Token

Success story: OTP Token authentication for more effective web management of auto parts

The base idea was to create a solution usefull for reducing the time of waiting and completing an order of auto parts. In this way the partners could know every time which is the stock situation and how much time is needed for order to be completed. The OTP Token solution is addressed to companies that sell cars and offer auto parts and services for these autovehicles.

How it works?
Each partner has to authenticate using a username and a dynamic password generated at every request.

About Us

Ro Interactive Technologies is present on the security solutions market since 1994. We provide you with security solutions from leader companies in the security industry.

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How can we help you?

We will be happy to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at:
Ro Interactive Technologies SRL
Str. Aurel Suciu, Nr. 63, Ap. 1,
Cluj-Napoca, 400440
Jud. Cluj, Romania
Tel: +40-264-418929

Fax: +40-364-780193

E-mail: info[@]otptoken.ro

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