OTP Authentication

One Time Password Authentication with OATH OTP Tokens and Server

OTP Token deviceOne Time Password (OTP) is a well-known strong authentication method because it prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data or resources with restricted access on personal or network computers.

Today, the static passwords are seen as unsecure for IT administators. Tipically, a password is repeatedly used by an end-user or it can be written down on a piece of paper. From that point it can be very easily seen, copied and even stolen by unauthorized persons. On the other hand, One Time Password changes with every authentication request. In this case, using an OTP Token frees the end-user from memorizing a static password.

Furthermore, the sensitive data is well secured against unauthorized access while the repeated passwords are eliminated. The IT systems security needs can be addressed with a two-factor authentication infrastructure. The OTP solution with the most flexibile and adaptive scheme becomes the most popular solution in industry. The OTP offers you a high-level security and a cost-effective solution.

The Open Authentication Consortium gathers a group of companies that are determined to establish a set of standards, architecture and specifications for strong authentication: OATH Reference Architecture, HOTP, TOTP, OCRA, etc.

Feitian Technologies is an OATH member and offers the Feitian OTP Authentication System (FOAS) for strong authentication. Both FOAS and the OTP Tokens can be used with any other OATH compatible systems for authentication.

For further information about the OTP solution, you can contact us here. >>

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Ro Interactive Technologies is present on the security solutions market since 1994. We provide you with security solutions from leader companies in the security industry.

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Ro Interactive Technologies SRL
Str. Aurel Suciu, Nr. 63, Ap. 1,
Cluj-Napoca, 400440
Jud. Cluj, Romania
Tel: +40-264-418929

Fax: +40-364-780193

E-mail: info[@]otptoken.ro

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